Jensen Log
Jensen has Wiggle Fever! He got three DVD's for Christmas and loves to watch them. Thankfully, he will watch them in his room so that I'm not subjected to them all the time. But sometimes, I put one in out in the living room so that I can watch Jensen watch the Wiggles, it's very cute. He'll dance and wave to Wags the Dog, it's almost worth watching grown men act like 7 year old girls.
Thanks Sean Meade for that accurate description.
Jensen said MAMA yesterday for the first
real time. He's been playing around with it for awhile. but said it clear as day finally! He used it again today, but he pointed at himself when he said it. Not sure why he did that, but I am thrilled with the progress we are making with this most important word.
Jensen has learned to say Will. Now, as many of you know, there is another Wil in our lives. But, sorry Meades, Jensen is referring to Will Watkins. They are good friends and love to play together at church. Their Mommies enjoy spending time together as well.
It snowed last night and Josh and Jensen played outside a bit today. Jensen had a great time, but he won't leave his mittens on and his hands got really cold. So we had to go in after a few minutes. Josh has been out a couple more times since then.